
Saturday, October 27, 2007

Evolution of the cortically-challenged

We find it difficult to find other people with similar interests and thoughts. People going through the same educational system, come out of the system with very few points to agree on. This is not agreement about the color of Kajol's eyes. Agreement on how certain things should be in life. How should men treat women ? Can violence be a solution to any problem ? Is abortion ethical ? Do we have a Morality gene ? Why can our brain not evolve a compassionate relationship with chaos, after all thats a higher entropy level with more potential :) ? 

Segue: The upper limit on the number  of opinions in the world is at-least 2 to the power of the number of questions. This is the global meme-pool. Hey, I swear, I am still to get to chapter 11 of the "selfish gene" where Dawkins talks about memes. The theory, that we are all made up of a bunch of memes; each meme being an opinion about any one of the myriad of questions (might include Rani's voice too), sounds so much more easy to understand all of a sudden :) (hahaha imagine if Buddha felt 100 times more bliss than understanding just one concept, wow !!!) 

Segue: This brain is so Goddamn associative. Every freaking time I use the word segue there is an image of Dr.Kim introducing that word to me. Will that ever be over-written ? Like "I" will know if it ever is hehe. I wonder why programming courses Introduce us to ordered arrays first and associative ones in some later chapter. 

So looks like each of us has a unique meme signature. 

Segue: Haha imagine the day when people have their brains scanned to trace their memetic history. Dawkins talks about the genes influencing the survival machines (our Bodies) and the reverse not happening. What if memes were to trick the genes with "survival candy" and open up the abilities of individuals to modify their genetic code during their life time. That way memes can be parasites on the gene-complex. 

The point that got me writing this entry is the thought of "what if people were able to get along better if the meme pool is reduced?". Wouldn't that be a direction genes would want to evolve in. More people thinking alike, causing less violence and thus more chances of survival. Now the genes take over the meme-complex. And then nature will select for the "cortically challenged" i.e. people with less dissonance with the rest of the world. Some of us think its already happening. All this global inter-connectivity might create global stereotypes and minorities might find no safe haven. 

Haha and so ladies and gentlemen the next 100 generations are going to witness the gruesome Meme-Gene war !! 

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