
Thursday, November 16, 2006

BBC : Islamists debate rape law moves

Women's protest outside national assembly in Islamabad
Women protested outside parliament as the debate was held

Until now, rape cases were dealt with in Sharia courts. Victims had to have four male witnesses to the crime - if not, they faced prosecution for adultery. Under the amended law, the civil courts will be able to try rape cases according to the British-influenced penal code.

I am trying to think what the supporters of Sharia are thinking.
How deep rooted the feeling of "second-class status for women" would be in the minds of these men ?
Do we know how to rid people of blind faiths which have become pillars of their paradigm of the world ?
Its so damn frustrating. They just wont listen to you, because they think you are talking "non-sense". Its like teaching a mad person to do something civil.

Side note :
I watched Dor yesterday. Very nice work by Kukunoor to play on this theme. It had a street play feel to it.

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