
Thursday, September 08, 2005

BBC NEWS | Business | Inequality 'key to poverty fight'

BBC NEWS | Business | Inequality 'key to poverty fight': Fighting poverty is important for our survival. If we have poor neighbours we will have terror, epidemics, and less contribution of ideas from that section of humans.
From article : "When rich country leaders talk of fighting poverty, the emphasis is often on improving economic growth in their poorer neighbours.
But according to a new report from the United Nations, that alone will fail to produce meaningful poverty reduction.
Instead, it says, countries need to focus on reducing inequality - between rich and poor, between men and women and between regions.
Rich states also need to give more aid and improve its quality, the UN says."
"Anybody questioning whether income distribution matters might reflect on the fact that the poorest 10% of Brazilians are poorer than their counterparts in Vietnam, a country with a far lower average income," he says.

"Brazil is ranked 63 on the Human Development Index, while Vietnam is number 103.
The report also points to success in Bangladesh at reducing infant mortality - well ahead of similar efforts in high-growth countries such as China and India.
And females are often getting a worse deal than males, it says, limiting the positive effects of economic development.
In India, for example, half again as many girls die between the ages of one and five as do boys. "

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