
Sunday, August 28, 2005

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China outlaws sexual harassment

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China outlaws sexual harassment: "China has for the first time outlawed sexual harassment and domestic violence, establishing gender equality as a national policy.
The amendment was passed by the top lawmaking body, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
Women will now be able to take legal action against abusive husbands and those who harass them.
Correspondents say women in China are still far from equal and domestic violence remains a huge problem"

WTF ? People just take women for granted if the society has no rules. What was it in the way some of us were brought up that we automatically couldn't ever abuse women.

More from article "A national survey of 8,000 women, carried out by and Chat magazine, found 79% of female respondents had experienced sexual harassment - compared to 22% of men.
Meanwhile, 40% of women working for private or foreign firms had been targets of harassment compared to 18% of those in state-owned companies, a study by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences found.
But it will take a lot more than legislation to change deeply ingrained attitudes towards women that go back over two millennia, our correspondent says. "

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