GoogleTalk !!
Gabe Zicherman - Gamification Revolution (Book)
Wow why so much time motivating gamification. Most guys are sold on it. Anyways this isnt solid data.
- Try googling "managing millenials"
- Kids like Instgramming and messaging so much that they would rather not drive. (Research by an automobile company). WTF !! Really !! - These tools have kids on frequent Dopamine hits !!
- You cant stop the millenials from this path of gaming that they are on. You HAVE TO JOIN THEM !! ( :( really - I always thought the rule was the latest trends are the most recently outdates ones. Maybe the next generation will move the needle maybe a bit towards the genX)
I don't think you need to say - Millenials are gamers and so engage them with a Gamification strategy. I actually believe anyone is better engaged with gamification.
I am getting bored after 25 mins. Too many examples. Ok ok I understood it works. I am more interested in how to implement this (on myself or in a small group setting)
- Dopamine Hit - Challenge - Achievement - Dopamine - Pleasure - Games let us loop through this cycle again and again.
- Fluid Intelligence - Figure our way out. V/s Regurgitating learnt information
- Techno-physio Evolution - Both Genotype and PhenoType evolutions affected by tehcnology. Example: Lifespan increases.
- Society valuing interaction with machines more than interactions with other humans. Autistic individuals have a strength here.
- "One ring to rule them all"
1. How to keep people engaged using gamification techniques.
NYT wrote about - in 2 years relationships change from romantic to companionship - Habituation. Habituation enemy of long term engagement. One technique is make rewards unpredictable.
2. Any problems where you wouldnt use gamification ? Whats the mechanics of gamification ?
- No clean specification of mechanics. Use gamification to do gamification. Visit
- Everything is defined-by/based-on engagement. So gamify everything !!
3. Make simulations only as interesting as the real world.
4. What are some stumbling blocks in Enterprise gamification ?
- Most places roll out things by fiat. - thats a big NO
5. Can gamification be used to reduce engagement in cases like addictions ?
yes. Alcohol Anon. Gamification drives mastery (of control)
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