
Friday, September 25, 2009

Paulo but-ak gaya !!

Whenever paulo wanted to stop being a glutton, the ghost of his mother would come in his dreams, and say "Yes thats the right thing to do. But maybe you should hold onto whatever you have for some more time. Who knows you might want it later and you might not be able to get it so easily. We need to be practical in life." Paulo would then begin cluttering the clean solution he had with more and more exceptions (if statements). Exceptions always make a design messy. Maybe thats why God had decided that she will not equip Paulo with a head to deal with exceptions. She could have built him with an extremely fast exception look-up table, but even she feared being not able to match the complexitty of the exceptions that Paulo might want to fit into this table. Paulo as usual is stunned into inaction and takes recourse in the sweetness dished out of Olga's kitchen. Not even being able to relish it wholeheartedly.

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