
Sunday, August 06, 2006

What is wrong with the American Media ?

The analysis and the reporting of the news on CNN, MSNBC, FOX is so simplistic. It is so evident that they are not looking at issues from all possible aspects.
If they are unable to do so should there not be an admission to this fact. Why take strong positions based on limited vision.

Does this reflect the intellect of the American population ? Is this what the majority wants to see and hear ? Its very disturbing to see this nation with the brightest minds in the world have such an attitude. Maybe the people are used to not being exposed to global issues and do not really care. Why then does the media take this stand if not to bolster its TRP ratings ? Is it just so that their owners have dealings with the people in the administration and want to do them favors? I find so much brilliance in individuals in this country and yet their social institutions do not seem to be a reflection of their intellect.

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