
Thursday, August 17, 2006

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bhopal activist dies with broken dreams

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Bhopal activist dies with broken dreams: "He was wearing his favourite T-shirt. It said in bold relief 'No more Bhopals'.

Sunil was a survivor of the 1984 Union Carbide gas leak - and a victim, suffering serious mental illness in the years since the disaster.

The end came without him realising his dream of seeing anyone brought to justice over the world's worst industrial accident.

Satyanath Sarangi, president of the Bhopal Group for Information and Action (BGIA) and a close friend, says that Sunil felt strongly that people responsible for the gas disaster should be punished.

In an interview in 1985, Sunil said: 'The people must know who was responsible for the gas disaster - who killed their loved ones?

'And those who are found responsible must be hanged. What is the use of all the money if those who have killed so many go scot-free?'

No one had faced trial over the leak by the time Sunil hanged himself."

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