
Saturday, April 22, 2006

China, Vatican Edge Toward Accord

China, Vatican Edge Toward Accord: "Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun of Hong Kong, the senior Roman Catholic cleric in China, said the Vatican's readiness to drop ties with Taiwan represents a major gain for the Chinese government and is the main motive for Beijing's decision to soften hostility toward the church. Other analysts noted that the reconciliation talks also fit into a broad effort by China to establish normal trade and other relations with countries around the world, including heavily Catholic nations in Central America whose diplomatic loyalties now lie with Taiwan."

Sure looks like commercialisation of religion. The Vatican seems to be trading with the Chinese for converts. I have known religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainsim, Zorashtrianism and some other probably who teach you how to live your life and be a staisfied. All of them have a common gist but implement it with different rigors. However none of these seem to have this overwhelming desire to impose their ideas all over the world. Frankly its like dealing with a pesky salesman calling.

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