
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

In a Richer China, Billionaires Put Money on Marriage - New York Times

In a Richer China, Billionaires Put Money on Marriage - New York Times: "For centuries, Chinese practiced arranged marriages, complete with dowries, leaving little place for Western-style notions of romance. During the long decades of hard-line Communism, these practices were updated with an infusion of Maoist social control methods. Work brigade commissars, rather than parents and clans, decided who could date and marry and who could not. Neighborhood committee bosses even had a say in the matter. Only recently has the idea of living together unmarried gained limited social acceptance in China.
In a breathtakingly short period of time, though, sexual and romantic opportunities have sprung up everywhere in a society that still thinks of itself as conservative in such matters. Prostitutes work openly in almost every hotel in China. The Internet has made possible everything from online dating to nude Web-cam dancing, sprouting a vocabulary all its own, like M.B.A., or married but available. And, unsurprisingly, divorce rates in big cities like Shanghai are skyrocketing.
When the newspaper Nanfang Zhoumo, or Southern Weekend, published a report recently about billionaires seeking brides, online discussion groups were flooded with commentary from readers, often focusing on the matter-of-fact comments of one woman who applied but was passed over by a billionaire. 'Isn't the purpose of saving our virginity to get a good price?' she asked."

I have seen people in India and China become richer and become more like Americans in their social outlook i.e. w.r.t marriage, money, consumption, independence, concept of free will, materialisim. Is this is the only way ? Or is it the cultural influence which makes us ape the Americans

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