
Sunday, June 26, 2005

Socks on, rocks off | The Other Side | Breaking News 24/7 - (22-06-2005)

Socks on, rocks off | The Other Side | Breaking News 24/7 - (22-06-2005): "PEOPLE find it easier to have an orgasm when they are wearing socks in bed, surprised Dutch scientists have discovered.
Draughts in the scanning room left couples complaining of 'literally cold feet', and providing a pair of socks allowed 80 per cent, rather than 50 per cent, to reach a climax while being scanned.

The same study showed that men and women experience sexual pleasure in strikingly different ways, the first brain scans taken during orgasm show.

While male brains focus heavily on the physical stimulation involved in sexual contact, this is just one part of a much more complex picture for women, scientists in The Netherlands have found.

The study found the key to female arousal seems rather to be deep relaxation and a lack of anxiety: direct sensory input from the genitals plays a less critical role.

The scans show that during sexual activity the parts of the female brain responsible for processing fear, anxiety and emotion start to relax and reduce in activity.

This reaches a peak at orgasm, when the female brain's emotion centres are effectively closed down to an almost trance-like state."

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