
Friday, June 17, 2005

BBC News | SCI/TECH | Listen to public, says Dolly scientist

"The leading genetic scientist involved in the cloning of Dolly the Sheep has called on his colleagues to take note of public concerns about the progress of genetic science.
Professor Ian Wilmut led a team at the Roslin Institute near Edinburgh that led to the birth of Dolly, the first cloned mammal, in 1996. She was revealed to the public following year.
Speaking at a seminar on public confidence in biomedical science at the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Prof Wilmut warned there was a danger in missing scientific opportunities because of public fears and misunderstandings.
He said research projects should continue to be innovative and ambitious or there would be a 'real danger' of missed opportunities.
But he added: 'We must deal with the public's concerns in order to get their support, not only through charitable donations but also in Parliament in supporting their MPs."

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