
Thursday, August 15, 2013

SumAll has pay openbook via NYT Corner Office

Dane Atkinson of SumAll, on Making Pay an Open Book - all employees know what anyone in the company makes.
I am not sure it works well though - there is more that Dane might be doing to build trust - this is just one of those that makes good headlines

"When we first started with this, we'd send out the package details of every new hire to the entire team. That caused a lot of stress. So we've switched that and now just their peer group will know the new hire's compensation and be forced to a vote. " 

"We have a trial on-boarding process. Anyone we hire goes into a 45-day test period. But we have a really high bar, and only about 65 percent make it through. At the end we have a fresh, clean start and we decide if we want to get married." 

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