
Friday, February 19, 2010

Parallel universes

WTF is going on ? There are clearly multiple worlds we live in. Are we fortunate to be able to do that -or- are we just suffering the burden of having to switch. There is a sense of one world being always better than the other - but also a sense of this bad world being the reality in some sense. So in a way the dark clouds will cover the sun soon even in the new world.
The mind makes its split personality of Dr. logic and Mr.emotion felt very strongly. Maybe this is what colors our view of the world as well. This is why we see 2 separate worlds. Maybe the heart wants to see another sunnier world and this is nothing but a mirage to help the logical side preen itself.
The funny thing is the heart comes in and tries to see the pain in this tropical bliss as well. Ofcourse it feeling like a mirage the heart doesnt have a lot of control. But wait .. shouldn't the heart be in more control of a  mirage it has conjured up. So maybe its not a mirage after all. Its just us being colored by the majority around us. If the majority have positive attitudes, then we reflect that well. The true test of character then is to be positive independent of the surroundings. Can you ? Will you ?

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