
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Movie Review: Iron Jawed Angels

Very nice movie [synopsis]. I think women would find this movie hit them deeper than it did me. I really like Hilary Swank a lot. I was equally thrilled after watching "Freedom Writers". She's done a good job there too.
A couple of things struck me while I watched it. Alice Paul says that she cannot afford to have a romantic relationship while she is trying to achieve her goal. Her reasoning is that she will not be able to give that amount of time to her partner and might also be not giving her work the best she could. Would a man ever have to think that way. Don't most men think that having a  partner will help them achieve the goal more easily. Is it possible that women can provide men a support system that men cannot provide to their ladies. I don't know the answer to this. But I am tending to think that the average man is lacking in this department. Hopefully in the next couple of generations atleast some societies will bring up their boys with such qualities. We can already see women demanding such behavior from their partners.

Time and again sociologists and psychologists have shown that people are mostly irrational. Last week I was reading Russel and he aims his arsenal on the Christian Church to provide tons of examples how people were irrational. Actually, I think people behave this way not because of irrationality but because they want to maximize their short term gains by maintaining the power structures. Men would be so much better off in the short term if women were secondary to them. Its difficult to understand the benefits of women having equal standing in society. I have seen plenty of educated people who do not fully appreciate the benefits of diversity. I need to go back and read that Russel article again. In this movie they show the men in power illegally putting the suffragists behind bars and being violent with them. It seems so unbelievable. But societies seem to be doing this repeatedly. Looks like our history teachers are not being paid well to do their jobs :)

Emotions !! We as people get emotional. I am thinking if this is a sign of weakness. If you get emotional when you see someone finally achieve their goals after a lot of trials, are you weaker because of that. Wouldn't it be better if we were just super-cool all the time. Aha the word I could've used here could be "dispassionate". However if you are so dispassionate will you even struggle hard enough to achieve your goals. We evolved passions probably as a means of better chances to survive.

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